Efficiently create complex projects without coding by reusing existing components or developing your library:
With Luvi Blocks, your organization's components are automatically reusable across all pages and projects. Benefit from professionally-designed pre-made components that you can easily use and customize.
Revolutionize your software development process with our hybrid low-code and no-code platform. Luvi Blocks provides easy-to-use tools, pre-built components, and intuitive interfaces that anyone can understand.
Whether you're an experienced developer or just starting, you can create custom applications faster and more efficiently than ever. Say goodbye to costly and time-consuming coding approaches and begin using Luvi for free now.
Turn your ideas into products—no coding required. But when your software becomes more complex, you can always develop your components with the power of React JS and use them together with Luvi's component blocks.
No time or coding experience? You can always switch your subscription to an Enterprise for your team's development needs.
Luvi AI is a game-changer for text, image, and code generation. With our integrated CMS and AI-assist, you can create and manage content effortlessly while our AI handles the heavy lifting.
No more manual content creation, coding, or tedious image editing - AI-assist is here to help you every step of the way. Experience the future of content creation today and take your business to new heights.
Build secure, scalable, and robust backends effortlessly by leveraging our serverless functions at Edge Network or crafting your unique blend of serverless function blocks.
With Luvi Blocks, developers can easily create their own serverless functions library by using, modifying, and chaining existing functions. We also offer pre-built serverless functions for everyday use cases, such as authentication and database interactions, and allow integration with third-party services to expand functionality.
Unlock the potential of edge computing from authentication to file processing, explore the possibilities of the edge, and deploy in seconds—no coding required. Build the backend you need for your project without managing servers or infrastructure.
* Luvi provides the best speed across all networks globally by orchestrating Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Azure.
Luvi Blocks provides an enterprise-level solution that allows content to be repurposed as data. Our priority is scalability, performance, and customization.
Our platform empowers teams, from game companies to SaaS businesses, to quickly and easily build custom applications and platforms with an unparalleled development experience. This results in enterprise-grade products that are tailored to their specific needs.
Improve SEO with performance-first components, deployed instantly to 128 edge locations for lightning-fast load times and superior site performance using Luvi.
Our platform boosts speed, security, and scalability by automatically pre-rendering sites and apps and distributing data to CDN/Edge Network. Create modern, fast applications without managing, scaling, or orchestrating web servers.
Both Luvi Blocks and Luvi Studio have integrated AI-assist for the increase of your team's creativity and productivity
Create images with a text prompt: backgrounds, photos, patterns, paintings, and much more.
Get alternative text or create from scratch. Write blog posts and more. Text AI here to amaze you.
Create code from zero, auto-complete your code, or create re-usable components with Codex AI.
You can create 3d objects with text prompts and use them commercially with your projects.
Conventional web apps must constantly work on a web server and build content at runtime for each request. A continuously running server comes up with issues like; slow response times, security breaches, difficulties in scaling, and team collaboration.